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Uncovering the Emerald in Your Field

The story is told of a man who lives on a beautiful farm. When he died, the property, which had been in the family for over 200 years, was sold to one of the neighbors. One day, the new owner was walking in a field when he noticed an odd-looking rock sticking out of the dirt. He took it home, washed it, and then took it to the jewelers.

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In Search of Characters with Character

Here’s a story I think you will enjoy. The children lined up in a Catholic elementary school cafeteria for lunch. At the head of the table was a large pile of apples. The nun made a note and posted on the apple tray: “Take only ONE. God is watching.” Moving further along the lunch line, at the other end of the table, was a large pile of chocolate chip cookies. A girl had written a note, “Take all the cookies you want. God is watching the apples.” That girl is probably one of those characters that could use a bit of character.

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Discover a Bridge to Personal Progress

Here’s a short story today for your consideration and application.

One day a biologist observed an ant carrying a piece of straw which seemed to be an enormous burden for it. The ant came to a crack in the earth that was too wide for it to cross. The ant stood for a time as though pondering the situation. Then the ant put the straw across the crack and walked across it as a span. “What a lesson for us!” the impressed biologist said. “The burden can become the bridge for progress.”

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Twisting the ‘Cap’ off a Handicap

I enjoy playing golf. Now that I think about it, I don’t enjoy it. I tolerate it. Or maybe golf tolerates me.

Most every golfer who plays for real has a handicap. Handicaps are created so everyone comes out, even in a golf tournament. If my handicap is 20, and I play on a par 72 golf course, I could score a 92 and be even par. On the other hand, the golfer with an eight handicap and scores 84 scores 76. I scored lower than the guy who scored an 84 because of my handicap. The better golfers become, the less handicap they have.

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Living Loved in Unloving Times

Here’s a thought for you. Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.

One of the scriptures’ most influential and insightful books is The Song of Songs. It is a love story of two real-life characters and their relationship that happened long ago. One was a sun-beaten shepherdess at the bottom of the social spectrum. Her life and choices had beaten her up. She had given up on most anything other than the worst happening to her.

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Six Short Snippets Requiring No Explanation

I thought it would be interesting to share six short stories with loud and clear messages written by others. All I can say is read, grow, and enjoy. Oh, one more thing, don’t say to yourself, “My friend, my colleague, or my family member, really needs this story. It would help them so much.” The issue is not ‘them.’ The story is for you first and then ‘them.’ So, grab your cup of coffee and read on.

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