What’s Your Name? Who’s Your Daddy?

Let me introduce you to a couple some of you may have heard about from your Sunday school days. The couple was once the king and queen of Israel. Their names were Ahab and Jezebel.

Most likely, you have heard more about Jezebel. You wouldn’t have wanted to get on her wrong side. She was large and in charge even though her husband Ahab was the king of Israel. Jezebel means brazen, shameless, or morally unrestrained, without cohabitation. Her calling card is, “whether right or wrong, I get what I want.”

I’ll share a true-life story about Ahab and Jezebel. King Ahab, prone to childlike tantrums and coveting, saw a vineyard he wanted for a vegetable garden near his palace. Ahab’s problem was the vineyard was owned by a citizen named Naboth. So Ahab offered to buy the vineyard. But Naboth replied, “The Lord forbid I should give you the inheritance of my ancestors.”

Ahab went home angry, sulking, refusing to eat. Jezebel asked Ahab why he was in a bad mood. Ahab told her what had happened. Jezebel responded, “Is this how you act as king over Israel? Get up and eat! Cheer up. I’ll get you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite.” And get the vineyard, Jezebel did. Jezebel hired two ‘scoundrels’ to lie and testify Naboth had cursed God and the king. So, the hired hands took Naboth outside the city and stoned him to death. Notice the pattern; lies, false witnesses, murder, hired crowds and taking away property. I guess what ‘Lola wants, Lola gets’ – for a while.

There’s a fundamental difference between weakness and wickedness. Ahab had fleshly ego-driven weaknesses. Jezebel was wicked. Ahab had an issue of the head. Jezebel had an issue of the heart. Ahab was clueless and spoiled. Jezebel was intentional and diabolical. Note that ‘Ahabs’ and Jezebels’ are a type, not a gender. This example isn’t a male-female issue. There were heaps of Jezebel kings in Israel’s past. In this case, Ahab’s weakness was Jezebel’s passport into controlling a nation. Jezebel types look for weak people like Ahab to influence and control.

In one sense, each one empowered the other. Ahab’s self-absorption, spoiled childish ways, and slothfulness created space for Jezebel’s hubris and ambition. The wickedness in her ruled Israel through Ahab’s weakness. Ahab gave his authority or right to govern to Jezebel, and Jezebel gladly took it.

Together, they ruled Israel for years. God is patient, even with weak kings and wicked queens for a while. God gave them, as he gives us, every chance to make a turn and change for the better. But just because God is patient doesn’t mean that God condones intentional dysfunctional behavior forever. At the appointed time, God sent a prophet named Elijah to make the king and queen aware their actions have consequences. Why did God prophetically warn them? Because the king and queen’s issues were hurting themselves, their people, and the nation. That’s called love in action.

King Ahab got upset (again) that God’s message through Elijah was stopping him from getting his way all the time. Jezebel flew into a rage (again). How dare Elijah or God curtail Ahab and Jezebel’s ambitions? You don’t challenge the actions and attitudes of people like Jezebel without creating ramifications of rage. Jezebel types get revenge. Puppeteers and people ‘without cohabitation’ don’t like it when someone upsets their puppet.

Sometimes we think someone is wicked when they have weaknesses. We see this in the play called Wicked. Conversely, we can assume someone is weak when they are intentionally wicked. Don’t be too quick to judge. Learn to discern. Watch their example. Watch who is attracted to them and who is repelled by them. Is what they do primarily for the good of all or their desire? In other words, discern ‘What’s their Name’ and ‘Who’s their Daddy.’

The problem with any nation, society, or community is it takes an Ahab to create a Jezebel. The character of the king or queen permeates the kingdom. Just like the scripture says, Israel languished and mourned because of Ahab’s head and Jezebel’s heart for a while. People like Ahab and Jezebel generally don’t end up very well. These two ‘experts’ eventually became ex-spurts…shooting stars who were bright for a moment and then quickly burnt up. Eventually, their weakness and wickedness let the dogs out.

There’s a Bible verse about Jezebel that will surprise you. It’s Jesus talking about Jezebel. “And I gave her time to change directions, but she has no intention of changing directions….” Revelation 2:19. That’s love. Consider this, leaders and people aren’t punished for their mistakes. Leaders and people are punished by their mistakes.

I’m not being harsh or hardhearted here. On the contrary, this article is exhortation and encouragement, mixed with wisdom. I’m trying to make us aware of the influence of weakness and wickedness in times like these. It’s like surround sound at your local movie theatre saying, ‘It’s all around you.’ Don’t allow what’s on the outside of you to get inside of you.

We all have weaknesses, but some have just a bit more weaknesses than others. That could be dangerous, whoever we are. Why? Because weakness can become wickedness if left unchecked. And, the more weaknesses we have, the more vulnerable we are to intentionally wicked people who need vulnerable people to advance their agenda.

So, what is a weakness and what can you do with it? Here’s a thought by Carrie Hazard.

“A weakness may be any disadvantage that makes your living more difficult. Let your weakness be what it will. One of the strangest paradoxes and at the same time one of the most extraordinary facts in human life is that your weakness can be your greatest asset. People, like kites and airplanes, rise against and not with the wind. You may not be to blame for your weakness, but you should hold yourself accountable to try to turn your weakness into your greatest asset.”

Don’t run from God to the ‘daddy’ of weakness or wickedness. Instead, run to God, the Daddy of wellness. Transform your weakness or even wickedness into wellness. Be empowered for an abundant life. Then you will know ‘What’s Your Name’ (it’s not weakness or wickedness…it’s wellness) and ‘Who’s Your Daddy.’

Afterall, God’s not dead, God’s Dad.


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