Our Mission to Community Leaders: To Envision and Empower for Societal Uplift and Transformation.
Here’s our perspective on what community influencers and leaders can do together for our community.
Whether we are in business, education, media, church, arts, sports or government, we need to understand that we are all here to ‘populate’ the community rather than ‘plunder’ the community.
We are here for the community, the community is not here for us.
We don’t compete with each other, we complete each other. Every community needs all community spheres of influence working together in mutual collaborations and strategic alliances for the benefit of the community.
Why? If our city and communities welfare, we will have welfare.
If we build our community, our community will build us.
The way you see the community is the way the community will see you.
How Do We Build Our Community?
First of all, pray for your community. Why? Because when our country or community does well, your finances, business, career will do well. The success, or lack thereof, in our careers and lives could be a reflection of how our country or community is doing.
Secondly, let’s work together to build our community. Be as committed to finding a remedy as finding fault. People who complain and blame are usually on the plundering side of life. If you don’t like your community, change it! How? From the inside out, not from the outside in. Be a participant rather than a critic. That’s what Jesus did. He offered real solutions rather than complaints about the obvious. The community can be better because of you!
Finally, give back to your community. How? With your time, your treasure and your talents. For example, if as a business owner, you make a profit from the community, be sure to give some of it back to the community. Don’t plunder the community, populate the community! The idea is contribution, not conquest.
In Jeremiah 29:7, Jeremiah says the following to God’s people living in the far away city of Babylon. “And seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you in exile (to be a part of), and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare, you will have welfare.” The word for welfare in the Hebrew is shalom. Shalom means completeness, wholeness, health, welfare, soundness, prosperity, tranquility, fullness, perfectness, rest, and harmony.
Wouldn’t you agree with us? It’s time to say farewell to welfare.
We Want Sustainable Impact.
We don’t compete with each other, we complete each other. Every community needs all community spheres of influence working together in mutual collaborations and strategic alliances for the benefit of the community.
“True heroism is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost. It’s the urge to serve others and whatever the cost.”