How We Do It
Four Levels of Engagement with Community and Church Leaders
“You can be better than others without mentoring, but you cannot be your best without mentoring.”
— Ed Delph
Mentors Are Bridges To Tomorrow
Consider this…
Case Presenting was what Jesus did with the 5000.
Teaching is what Jesus did with the 70.
Coaching is what Jesus did with the 12.
Mentoring is what Jesus did with the 3.
Real Transformation Begins At Levels 3 and 4.
At NationStrategy, we believe through this four-step process, transformation can occur.
Level 1: Case Presentation
Let’s consider community transformation. It’s as if I’m a lawyer presenting a case to a jury (audience) on the revelation, importance, and necessity of community engagement. It’s as if community transformation has hired me to represent their cause and case to the jury. Case presenting is crucial to anything that God is restoring to the church or community
Level 2: Teaching
This is where we conduct seminars or conferences on aspects of community and societal transformation. We teach a five session conference called The Church-Community Connection for most churches. But teaching is not the end. It’s the means to an end.
Level 3: Coaching
That is where we are much like the coach on a team. We coach the leadership of a church or community sphere of influence on community transformation. We are involved in a two way relationship with leadership. We coach them in implementation and execution.
Level 4: Mentoring
Mentoring is what Jesus did with His inner circle. That is where real transformation and relationship took place. Its two way, involved with those we serve intimately. It’s like the offensive line coach on a football team. That coach knows not just the one he is mentoring, but his family, back ground, children’s names, and his issues too. That is where we are much like the coach on a team. We coach the leadership of a church or community sphere of influence on community transformation. We are involved in a two way relationship with leadership.
Jesus did more than teach. He spent time, not just in books, but with future leaders he called His disciples. He knew if the church was going to be sustainable, a time investment was going to have to be made in others. He was going to have to lead by example. He understood that mentors are bridges to tomorrow…for others.
One of our concerns for the church and the community worldwide is that we see very little discipleship these days. Churches regularly call teaching or one way communication, discipleship. But discipleship, mentoring, coaching, life-coaching, passing the baton or equipping (whatever you want to call it) is more caught than taught. It’s learning and leading by example.
One of the best examples of discipleship, mentoring, or life-coaching was the relationship of Paul and his “true son in the faith” Timothy. It doesn’t matter whether you are in the church or commerce, you can learn from their biblical example.
In a mentoring relationship, both parties must be motivated and engaged. You could be the best mentor ever, but if the one you are mentoring is not motivated or engaged, nothing much will happen. Conversely, you might be the most motivated learner ever, but if your mentor is not engaged or not willing to be personally involved, you will be adversely affected.
NationStrategy believes that through this four-step process, transformation can occur.