After our seminars, our guarantee is that your church/organization will never see your community, city, or nation the same way again.
Prepare yourself for a revelation revival!
The Thought-Leadership You’ve Been Waiting For
How to Build a Church for the Community: Turning Church-Goers Into City-Changers
It takes a ‘mindskin’ to have a new wineskin. Come get a new ‘mindskin’ for what the Holy Spirit is doing today. Catch the vibe of a church for the community. God is transforming the church to serve God by serving the community. The Holy Spirit is moving in an exciting way—from church-centric, where the community exists for the church to community-centric, where the church exists for the community’s benefit.
There are three basic types of churches. First, there are Christian fellowships. Christian fellowships tend to be upward and inward but struggle at being outward. They are fellowships, a bunch of Christian fellows in the same ship. The second type of church is the community church. A community church tends to take from the community but tends not to give anything back to the community. They are a bubble of activity but not effective in uplifting communities.
Lastly, and this is what Church@Community is about, there is the ‘church for the community.’ A ‘church for the community’ is involved in the community. A ‘church for the community’ envisions and equips tomorrow’s leaders today for the community. A ‘church for the community’ finds a need and meets it. A ‘church for the community’ understands they are here for the community, not the other way around. Church@Community is the ultimate guide for building a ‘church for the community.’ This book contains what, why, how and who of community engagement leading to community transformation.
Until you reform, your only revisit.
This conference is based on Ed Delph’s book entitled Church@Community. This seminar can range from one Sunday morning message to 16 sessions. You decide what is best for you.
Redefining Rhema: God’s Words Create God’s World
Want to live life on a higher plane than you ever thought possible? Want to grow the church? Want to be like the Sons of Issachar who knew the signs of the times and what to do about it? Want to be ahead of trends rather than behind them? Want to move from dream to done? Want to have favor with God and man?
Then the Redefining Rhema seminar is for you. Learn to think the way God thinks. Learn to say what God’s says. After all, God’s word created God’s worlds. Redefining Rhema is a Rhema about Rhema!
Logos and Rhema are Greek words for Word. Both Logos and Rhema are swords: Hebrews 4:12 and Ephesians 6:17 respectively. They operate and cooperate to establish God purposes and will on earth as it is in heaven. When the two swords of the Lord work together, it establishes the Biblically-correct and spiritually accurate will of God.
The purpose of Redefining Rhema is to redefine rhema and clarify Rhema: Why Rhema? What is Rhema? How does Rhema operate? How can I know it’s Rhema?
Rhema is used seventy times in the New Testament. Jesus says the bread man lives by is every word (Rhema) that proceeds from the mouth of God. Logos is what God thinks, what He has said, and truth. Rhema is a faith infused utterance from God speaking currently to the recipient providing illumination, clarity, understanding, direction, or guidance. For example, Logos is God’s general thoughts and wisdom on marriage. Rhema is God speaking directly to someone about who to marry.
This seminar is based on the book, Redefining Rhema, by Ed Delph and Dave Lake. Ed Delph speaks about Rhema from an apostolic perspective. Dave Lake speaks about Rhema from a prophetic perspective. This way attendees will receive a fuller, clearer understanding of the second sword of the Lord called Rhema.
Interested? Want more? Book the Redefining Rhema seminar today.
Note: Either one of the co-authors can hold the seminar by themselves if necessary. We prefer jointly if possible.
Living Tougher Than Nails in a Culture as Tough as Nails: How to Live When a Culture Becomes a Cult-ture
Question. Is our current culture is moving closer to God or further away from God? I think you know the answer. Our current culture is shifting. The questions is when the culture shifts further away from God, will we shift with it? Will we change the culture, or will the culture change us? We at Nationstrategy think someone is going to change the culture and it might as well be us.
What is culture? Culture is normal. Culture is what you hear, what you see, and what you feel when entering a space or area. Culture is vibe. Culture is an invisible ‘groupthink’ reflecting key values and borders by which all are expected live by. It’s a collective ‘mindskin’ producing a wineskin, formed by culture shapers in the 7 mountains of society.
Hint: If you take on a culture God didn’t give you, you will miss the life God has for you. Our perspective is this is not the time for the church to be an ostrich, sticking its head in the sand. This is an opportunity. When opportunity wants to dance with us, we had better be on the dance floor.
This two to four session seminar is especially designed to equip church and Christian businesses to live in today’s current culture. It’s a must for today’s church and Christians in the marketplace. We make people aware of the reality, the implications, and the applications of prospering spiritually in Babylon.
Think about it. Daniel wasn’t in the lion’s den. The lion was in Daniel’s den. The Tale of Two Kings message is also in this series. Don’t miss it.
Featured Seminars
Moving from Trust Impaired to Trust Repaired to Trust Prepared
“You will only rise to the level of that in which you trust.”
Think about it. The cause of most corruption, most moral shipwrecks, most lying and cheating, most fear and anger-based behavior, etc., is just a trust problem.” Let’s stop dealing with the fruit and get to the root. Let’s stop trying to deal with symptoms and get to the cause. Why? There is an ever-escalating war for your trust.
Trust is the rope that connects you with God. Satan is doing all he can to cut that trust rope or move the rope to something else. This special morning is for equipping you for victory in this conflict by divine revelation, not mental information.
You were born to trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding. Why? You will only rise to the level of that in which you trust. The liar knows this. So, what does he do? He tries to get you to trust in anything other than God. Unknowingly, you tie your trust rope to your bank account, your beauty or strength, your friends, your government, etc.
Then, when these fail, the liar gets you to trust in yourself. You become self sufficient, locking yourself in to a life without the resources of God and others. Then, when that fails, you make a vow never to trust again. At this point, the liar has you right where he wants you. Your ability to trust has been impaired. What’s the result? You will never be able to trust in the Lord, the most basic and essential component of an abundant life.
Come and get a Trust Revelation. Ed will also have his book, Learning How to Trust, at the meeting. This seminar also includes a lecture entitled, ‘Has Anyone Ever Hurt You?’ as well as a message entitled, ‘People Who Overcome.’
The Unlimited Power of Momentum: Turning Thoughts Into Things
I believe momentum is the most overlooked and undertaught spiritual and business principle in the Bible.
What is the Holy Spirit saying today about momentum? Who has the momentum in our culture: Humanism or Christianity? How did momentum begin? How does momentum operate?
This 2-3 session series is a revelation about momentum, not information about momentum. You can experience the joyful productivity of being a Momentum Maker, rather than the stagnation of a Momentum Breaker.
Discover the dynamic duo of Spiritual Mass and Spiritual Velocity in your life, in your marriage, in your business or career, in your ministry, and the uplift of cities and nations.
Get a revelation about the nature of momentum and how it affects you and what you're trying to do. What impedes momentum? What accelerates momentum? If you have lost momentum, how can you start it again?
Access the power of the momentum created when you unleash people’s capacity by increasing their competency.
Dragon’s Eggs – How Small, Tame, Forbidden Things Turn into Large, Untamable Things
That quite a title, isn’t it? The concept of Dragon’s Eggs is based on a story in David and Karen Main’s book entitled Tales of the Kingdom. The story Becky Delph will read to us is called, Princess Amanda and the Dragon. It’s about how small tame forbidden things turn into large untamable things. The scripture says it this way: “for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved.” 2 Peter 2:19b.
Jesus enlightened us on this idea by saying that in this life offences are inevitable. Small offences turn into big un-forgiveness, then bitterness, then alienation. A small lie turns into a big lie. A small unhealthy habit can turn into big life sucking compulsion. Even Lucifer, the worship leader of heaven, experienced this. God made Lucifer but a process made Satan. Yes, small, cute, tame dragons turn into big wild beasts if not handled properly.
Ed will explore fourteen potentially life changing points with us. This three-part series is about behavior transformation, not behavior modification. It’s a soul tune-up! All we are trying to do is put you in a position to succeed…for the long term. Warning: Only You Can Prevent Dragon Fires.
This message is part of a series based on Ed’s book entitled…Learning How to Trust. The Dragon’s Egg story is included in the book.
Made For Monday: Discover the Who of Community Transformation
Get a New ‘Mindskin about Ministry in the Marketplace.
It takes a new 'mindskin' to have a new wineskin!
You don't change seasons; you adjust to seasons. See what God is doing today and adjust. Be biblically correct and spiritually accurate for such a time as this.
Come to Made for Monday and be equipped for the work of your ministry outside of the church walls. Get 'Intelligent Fire' to be both successful and significant in your church, business, and community.
Learn what, why, who, and how of community transformation through your career.
Israel and the church are a nation of Kings and Priests. While spiritually we are all Kings and Priests, we have roles on earth to play. Only one tribe in Israel was called to fulltime ministry inside the synagogue or church. The other tribes were called to fulltime ministry outside of the church. Priests change the church. King's change the world. Both working together change the culture – equal status, different roles.
Marketplace Ministers, embrace your calling. You were Made for Monday. You’re a King by identity who minister’s in the marketplace by purpose. Your ministry is your career, and your career is your ministry. Your roots are in church, but your fruits are in the community. You give God a face in the context of your workplace.
We guarantee that you will never, never, ever, ever see your career, calling, and community the same way again!
After all, most Christians were made for Monday!
We also have a university level class for Made for Monday. You can audit or set it up for your University, Bible School, or your church for university credit. It is a 300-level class for three hours of credit. The class is entitled Ministry in the Marketplace. You can browse the class at ministryinthemarketplacecourse.com.
Discover the Principle of Never, Now, Next: Nothing Changes, if Nothing Changes
“Your pattern of worship will change. Today, all of you are doing as your please because you have not yet arrived at the land the Lord your God is giving you as your special possession. Deut. 12:8-9.
“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.” Benjamin Franklin
In corporate, personal, and spiritual life, there comes a time for NEXT. The NOW is over. The appointed time for what is NEXT is NOW here.
If we say NEVER to our NEXT, our NEXT will NEVER come. To transition into our NEXT, we need to start making changes NOW. Why? What we do NOW determines whether we will get to your NEXT. A decision is a breakthrough in seed form.
Normal is easy! Normal is the adversary of NEXT. Normal isn’t working like it used to. That is the worst thing. The year’s pass expecting different results from doing the same thing. Normal pulls us back from BETTER. If it’s time to change, NOW pulls us back from NEXT, leaving us in NEVER NEVERLAND.
Make your NEVER your NEXT, NOW. Make your NEXT, your NOW…NOW! Until you reform you only revisit.
I love, you’re perfect, now change!
This 3-part series also includes the messages: Moving to a Place Called Better and The One Thing You Gotta’ Do and You Gotta’ Do Now. This is a great weekend conference or church camp theme.
Unleashing Spiritual Shock Waves Into The Heavenlies
God showed Israel His works, but to Moses, God showed his ways. There’s a big difference between God’s ways and God works.
This series of up to four messages reveals God in a way that many believers have never heard of before. It’s knowing God, not just knowing about God.
Prophetic messages are inspirational, insightful, impacting, and catalytic. The net is result prophetic messages clear the way for what God is doing next so there will be understanding when God’s next happens. Prophetic messages both foretell and forthtell.
Prophetic messages give clarity where there is ambiguity. Prophetic messages explain ‘why’ the ‘what.’ In short, prophetic messages often unleash spiritual shockwaves into heaven. They come from heaven, come out through a messenger on earth, and then go back up to heaven.
This encounter is not meant to be a time for personal prophesy or personal ministry as much as opening the eyes of the heart to spiritual reality and spiritual understanding. This encounter is designed to enlighten believers, giving them spiritual understanding and clarity for the purpose of knowing God and God’s ways more intimately. They also cause believers to love God.
In today’s world, clarity is a rarity. Come to Unleashing Spiritual Shockwaves into Heaven so you can be more effective and proficient living and releasing God’s will on earth as it is in heaven.
I Build: Castles in the Air Require Foundations Under Them
One of the most addressed words in the New Testament is the word BUILD. You know the verses: “I will build my church and the gates of Hades shall not overpower it;” “Build your house upon the rock…;” “Wisdom builds the house….” The Apostle Paul was called a Master Builder, etc.
In this 2-4 part series, we will explore the some building issues, both spiritual and organizational, that many leaders in church ignore or are unaware of the process of building a church.
Here’s some topics to give you and idea of what this series is like. 1. I Build…Communication. 2. I Build…Location, Location, Location. 3. I Build…Systems. I Build…Vibe. I Build…Oneness. I Build…Disciples. In essence, you start building the way Jesus does.
This seminar is a great course for your leaders or for emerging leaders. There are handouts on each subject with discussion. Build up your church weakness. This course gives you a reference, a reason, and a real and tangible outcome.
William Thoreau once said, “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them. In other words, build; but build with Jesus.
The Guide by Your Side: How Learners Become Leaders
What God desires in and out of the church today is more people, more like Jesus. God wants the whole word to go to the whole world for all generations.
Whatever you want to call it, Discipleship; Fathering; Passing the Baton; Mentoring; Coaching; Teaching; Empowering; or Equipping: Discipleship settles the question of who is going to carry on after you are carried off. And discipleship settles the question of trans-generational sustainability. Mentors are bridges to tomorrow.
Christian leaders talk about Discipleship but very few really know what discipleship is. It’s one of those areas in Christianity and leadership that is a great talking concept, but few really go beyond talking. What is discipleship? Why discipleship? What does a disciple look like and feel like? How do you disciple someone? And, most importantly, who do you disciple? How did Jesus reach the lost, disciple the found, and release the ready?
This three-session seminar clarifies discipleship answering those what, why, how, and who questions. It helps you to move from an unclear concept to a finished product.
Real discipleship is more concerned with who people are rather than what they do. Think about this. A person can be better than others without discipling, but they will never be their best without discipling. Jesus unleashed his disciple’s capacity by unleashing their competency.
How did he do that? He stepped down from being the Sage on the Stage and became the Guide by Their Side. Then one Jesus became twelve Jesus’s. Lead not from the head so you are over them. Lead not from the feet that you are under them. Lead from the heart so that you are beside them.
One of the best examples of a two-way Leader/Learner relationship is Paul and Timothy. Both parties were motivated and engaged. You can be the best mentor ever but if the one you are mentoring is not engaged…nothing happens. You might be the most motivated learner in the world but if your mentor is not engaged or not willing, you will be adversely affected.
Which will you be? The Sage on the Stage or the Guide by Their Side? Shift upward from owning slaves (utilitarianism) to raising and releasing sons and daughters.
Soul Prosperity: Turning Temporary Crisis into a Permanent Gift
Do you realize your will is almost as big as God?
That’s quite a statement, isn’t it? Why is that statement true? God made it that way. That is what makes human beings unique among all God’s creation. God gave humans a soul. He gave us a mind to think, emotions to feel, and, most importantly, a will to choose.
The Apostle John in 3 John 2, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, gives us a stunning revelation. “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” In other words, you will only prosper and be in good health to the point that your soul prospers. If your soul is in turmoil that is going to affect your health as well as your emotional, financial, physical, relational, personal, vocational, and ministerial prosperity. Troubling times can lead to troubled minds.
Do not underestimate the power of this principle! Many have underestimated this principle and the consequences have been devastating. Look at the trouble, underachievement, the lives hurt of both the minister and the community, the potential wasted, and short-lived ministries of those who choose to ignore this principle. Be wise, it’s not only cars that can be recalled by their Maker.
This course is about behavior transformation, not behavior modification. It’s a soul tune-up! All we are trying to do is put you in a position to succeed…for the long term. Warning: Don’t try and be a minister without this course, it’s dangerous to your health and prosperity.
The Spiritual Potency of Recognition
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see!
Did you know you can see something but not see not it? You can hear something but not hear it? You can know something but not know it? Do you realize anything unrecognized by you remains uncelebrated by you?
Here’s our concern. There could be something or someone is your life today that you are not seeing or hearing, and it could be costing you dearly. This reality is what our seminar is about. In Jesus' time, two of his disciples walked next to Jesus and didn't recognize Him. They cognized Jesus, but they didn’t recognize Jesus. Why? We rarely see what we are not looking for.
Too many Christians are unaware of the Potency of Recognition yet the whole spiritual realm operates on this principle. Knowing how to hear, then see in the Spirit, could change your life…just ask Zacchaeus. The power to effect change, and create shift comes by the principle and potency of recognition.
This unforgettable seminar will help your people to step out, step up and step into something bigger, better, greater! It’s time for those in the church to discover, uncover, and recover the Potency of Recognition. It can transform and elevate our personal life, spiritual life, family life, business life, church life and our community life.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up to the Potency of Recognition!
Oneness: Greater than Relationship, Great than Partnership, Greater than Fellowship, Greater than Unity
Recently, God spoke to me about the concept of ‘Oneness.’ Consider the potential and power of Oneness. Oneness is greater than relationship, greater than partnership, greater than fellowship, and greater than unity. When the people of God dwell together in unity, there the Lord commands the blessing. What is that blessing? Oneness. Unity releases the anointing of oneness, and the anointing of oneness breaks the yoke.
Consider these thoughts as we, as one, catch the vibe of oneness. ‘You can do what I cannot do. I can do what you cannot do. Together, we can do great things.’ ‘The word agree means to make a harmonious symphony.’ ‘God is looking for people through whom He can do the impossible – what a pity that we plan only the things we can do by ourselves.’ ‘Oneness is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results. Simply put, it is less “me” and more “we.”’
Think about it. There’s no ‘I’ in the word team. There’s no ‘U’ either. When we work together, we can pull off the work of Christ as one. Oneness is fellowship with God through the Holy Spirit and fellowship with others in the Holy Spirit. It’s where we make God known and others known. It’s the Zoe life of God happening among, too, and through each other. It’s connectivity with God and each other – for the sake of those outside of church walls.
To be effective at our mission, we need to catch the vibe of oneness. Connectivity unleashes Oneness. Then, and only then, do we, as one, experience the power and momentum of oneness.
When oneness happens, God and good happens! Oneness is moving with God and others, together.
Got Oneness? If not, get on the road to getting it. The way is yours. Start by booking this seminar.
Making Sense of Apostolic Ministry: Balance Through Fullness
Are you struggling with understanding Apostles and Apostolic Ministry? Are your church members struggling with understanding the Apostolic Ministry. Apostles and Apostolic Ministry is a hot topic among many Christians today. In today’s world, clarity is a rarity. In today’s church, clarity about Apostolic Ministry is a rarity.
In a day when most people are seeing Apostolic Ministry like a tree, Ed Delph gives you and your people the second touch, and most begin to see what Apostolic ministry is clearly. Apostleship is not a status – it’s a task. This seminar reveals what that task is, and, more importantly, why that task is – with clarity. The seminar is a revelation about what the apostles were doing and why they were so effective.
You will discover the word Apostolicity. Apostolicity is the extent to which you or your church is apostolic. That is a difference-maker in getting you and your church from A to B. Desire Apostolicity and acquire Apostolicity, because you require Apostolicity. Apostolicity causes balance through fullness.
This seminar is based upon Pastor Ed’s book, Making Sense of Apostolic Ministry. This is a great 2-5 session seminar about apostolic ministry. The seminar would be great for congregations, bible schools, seminaries, or leadership training institutes that want a no-nonsense, easy to understand look at the task of apostles and those involved in apostolic ministry.
A capacity building, transformational class for all people equipping you for success in all realms of life thus enhancing the community.
Most pastors, churches and congregations have a desire to be an influence in the community, lead people to Christ, and be people and churches of refuge, but don’t know the ‘how to’s’ and ‘what’s required’ issues to be such a church. This seminar takes you and your people on a quest into the postmodern world so you can know how to minister to your community.
This seminar ‘revelates’ the principle of ‘spiritual entrepreneurialism’ to pastors, leaders, congregations and other community spheres of influence like business, government, education and the media. All of these spheres of influence are necessary components in any community.
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Note: Design Your seminar and We’ll Most Likely Have a Message About It.