Taming the Uncivil War Within

Let’s start with this story about a donkey by an unknown author.

“A donkey was tied to a tree. One night, a ghost cut the rope and released the donkey. The donkey went and destroyed the crops on an adjacent farmer's land. Infuriated, the farmer's wife shot the donkey and killed it. The donkey's owner was devastated at the loss. In reply, he shot dead the farmer's wife. Angered by his wife's death, the farmer took a sickle and murdered the donkey's owner. The wife of the donkey's owner got so angry that she and her sons set the farmer's house on fire. The farmer, looking at his house turned into ashes, killed the wife and children of the donkey's owner.

Afterwards, the farmer was regretful. He asked the ghost why it had brought so much devastation to all these people. The ghost replied, "I killed nobody. I just released a donkey tied to a rope. All of you released the revengeful emotions within you, which resulted in everything bad that occurred after that."

Most of today’s mainline yellow journalism media and political advertisements are like that ghost. It keeps releasing donkeys daily. People react, argue with each other, and hurt each other without a second thought. In the end, the media dodges all responsibilities. People don’t abandon the people they love. People abandon the people they were using. So, it's our responsibility not to react to every donkey the media and political advertisements release. There’s something wrong with your spirit if you get pleasure from humiliating, embarrassing, and belittling other people. We’d better stop disliking people over what we have heard and be thankful God doesn’t dislike us over what God knows.

The donkey story reminds me of a bullfight. Although the bull is more potent than the matador, the bull invariably goes for the wrong target: the red cape. The result is heaps of spears in the bull’s back and, ultimately, the bull’s death and a steak dinner for the matador, who is laughing all the way to fame, fortune, and frolic.

Let me ask you a question today. Do we get any better or wiser, or is this it? In my opinion, propaganda from mainstream media is more believed these days than facts about the story. Aldous Huxley said the purpose of propaganda is to make one set of people forget that other sets of people are human. When you live in a country where propaganda has replaced real news (downgrading from news to views), there will never be peace, prosperity, and freedom. That’s a lose-lose for everyone.

I’m not talking about this newspaper's publishers. Thank God for the Times Media Group. I’m honored to write for a newspaper that is more interested in improving the local community it serves than pushing dysfunctional politics. Remember, a vote is not a Valentine. You aren’t professing your love for the candidate. It’s a chess move for the country you want to live in and have your children live in. Hopefully, the country you live in will honor God, honor truth, and honor people.

Remember in The Lion King movie when Scar cheated to win the title of king? And the pride of lions was overrun with hyenas? And all the lions lost everything they had built and maintained? I'm just asking. Remember, long ago, the crowd chose Barabbas over Jesus – not because they loved Barabbas, but because they hated the truth. C. S. Lewis said, “One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to facts.” Ouch! 

I have good news for you. We can get better. You aren't too old to start over, but you are too old to keep doing what isn't working. My good friend Dr. Charles McCrae says, “Just because it’s your now, doesn’t mean it’s your always.” With God’s perspective and help, you can control how you respond to things sent to destroy your peace.     

I introduce you to Steve, a regular, everyday person and a close friend since 1982. Steve starts every day mentally and emotionally living above the fray. He starts the day with a prayer declaration. Here’s Steve’s prayer.

“This is the day my Lord has made; therefore, I rejoice and am glad because I believe God is good. I believe you love me, God, and you control everything. I will also remember today that everyone I encounter is a precious and unique creation of God, whom You dearly love and whom Jesus suffered and died for, and this includes me.

I am not in a hurry today. I have time for God, His divine interruptions, and His people (when I speak of God's people, I'm talking about all people because He created all). I go into this day with a mindset and attitude of not holding a grudge against anybody. I choose to forgive wholly and freely, as God has forgiven me.

Today, I remember our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the devil and his followers. Therefore, those I disagree with, and even evil-intentioned people, are not the enemy but victims of the enemy. I will assume the best intentions and motives of what my loved ones say and do. I will choose this day to be curious, questioning, and quiet when conversing with others because I care deeply about people, God’s beloved creation. My goal is not to win arguments but to understand others.”

Here’s your takeaway. Don't damage friendships over politicians' viewpoints or a media source who doesn't even know your name. You can have differing political views and treat each other kindly and respectfully. If you've been in a relationship for any length, you know disagreements happen, but they do not equate to hate. "Hate" or "Hater" is a label others use to prop up their weak or unsubstantiated viewpoint. This labeling is often due to being overcome by uncontrolled emotions or an inability to express oneself intelligently or intellectually.    

There now. Wasn’t that refreshing? This declaration may not be for everybody, but it is for 'a-lot-a bodies.' Steve is pursuing civility with alacrity and taming the uncivil war within himself. You might view this as weak, but I view it as meek. If you think being meek is weak, try being meek for a week. You can live in war without war living in you.

I imagine I wrote what many people are feeling these days.  

Ed Delph/September 9, 2024/CCC  



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