Unleash Your Community Transforming Capacity by Increasing Your Community Transforming Competency

Growing Your Church by Growing Your Community

Equipping Your Marketplace Ministers to Do the Work of Their Ministry. In Other Words, Turning our Church-Goers Into City-Changers.

Empowering and Maturing Churches and Church Leadership for Ministry in Today’s Ambiguous Culture.

At NationStrategy, We Are The Guides By Your Side For…

Serving The World for 24 Years

Dave Lake, Our Marketplace Minister

Dave Lake, Our Marketplace Minister

Dave Lake, Onsight with Insight, in Texas

David Lake is the current Vice President of Nationstrategy and a long-time friend of Ed Delph. He is an ordained minister and Market Place Minister. He is currently on assignment in Texas, working in a local business. God uses him to influence change in the work culture and encourage other employed believers to continue the good fight of faith. He is also involved in a local church, where he co-leads a weekly Bible study and men’s ministry. We will keep you updated.

Welcome Video From Dr. Ed Delph

Since I first met Ed Delph at a conference several years ago, I have come to love him and to appreciate his expansive vision for the Lord’s work all around the world. His ideas in Church@Community are high octane. Use wisely, but use.

-Timothy George
Founding Dean of Beason Divinity School and Samford University
Executive Director, Christianity Today



Ministry In The Marketplace Course

Turning Church-Goers Into City-Changers

For a long time now there has been an urgent need for a biblically correct-spiritually accurate course for equipping maximizers and learners how to synthesize their vocation with their Christian ministry. Ministry in the Marketplace is that course. This course experience is a modern-day primer that equips and prepares Christians for the work of their ministry in vocation and in culture.    

We are experienced thought-leaders who inspire, equip, connect, and bring solutions.

The NationStrategy Impact.

Nationstrategy is unique in that 70% of our collaboration and presenting is to church leaders, pastors and people in the church space while 30% of our collaboration and presenting is to all leaders and influencers in the community space - including education, business, media, government and other spheres of influence in the community space.

We believe that we as churched people can be good citizens of heaven as well as our communities, cities, and countries.

  • “The networking of key leaders is essential to the reaching of nations. Ed Delph has been raised up and anointed by God to set such a network in place.”

    Rev. Ed Silvoso
    Director – Harvest Evangelism
    San Jose, California

  • “Ed and those who work beside him have opened doors to me, making connections that build the global church.”

    John Dawson
    President, Youth with a Mission (YWAM)

  • “God is doing great and wonderful things in the Church today. NATIONStrategy is a vision of bringing spiritual fathers and apostles together."

    Dr. Emanuele Cannistraci
    Founding Pastor, GateWay City Church
    San Jose, California

  • " The desire that His people take dominion of the societies in which they live began in the Garden of Eden and it is still in effect today. Ed Delph sees our responsibility clearly, and his lucid and Church@Community is a road map that points the body of Christ in the right direction."

    Dr. C. Peter Wagner
    Author and Church Historian

  • "Since I first met Ed Delph at a conference several years ago, I have come to love him and to appreciate his expansive vision for the Lord’s work all around the world. His ideas in Church@Community are high octane. Use wisely, but use."

    Timothy George
    Founding Dean of Beason Divinity School and Samford University
    Executive Director, Christianity Today

  • "Ed Delph came to our church and started a revolution in the way we reached out to the community. I quickly set him up to visit all our network churches in New Zealand and Australia and share his amazing community transformation message. I believe Ed’s book, Church@Community, would be a good manual for the End-Time harvest."

    Joshua Asafo Avia
    Hosanna Global Network of Churches

  • "I have often heard people say that when you come to their conference you will never be the same, but, in fact, nothing changes. Not so with Ed’s series on Church@Community. Not only did it bless our city and congregation, it changed our city and congregation. We will never be the same again!"

    Viktor Sudakov, Senior Pastor
    New Life Church and Church Network, Ekaterinburg, Russia

  • "It should be every believer’s goal to attain this state in our work with Christ, the place of an overcomer in Christ. Ed’s book, People Who Overcome, is right on time because it reminds us of what is important. It will inspire you to persevere through your trials and encourage weak-hearted people to endure to the end."

    Yang Tuck Yoong, Senior Pastor
    Cornerstone Community Church, Singapore

  • " Dr. Ed Delph is an amazing urban practitioner who understands the kingdom of God. In Redefining Rhema, Ed Delph and coauthor Dave Lake unveil the secret of their effectiveness, which is hearing the voice of God."

    Dr. Joseph Mattera
    Mattera Ministries International

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