Richly Blessed, Deeply Loved, Highly Favored, Amazingly Graced


“For He was foreknown before the foundation of the world, but has appeared in these last times for the sake of you.” 1 Peter 1:20 (NAS)

Do you understand the verse above? Do you see it? No, I mean really see it? Read the last part of the verse again: “…but has appeared in these last times for the sake of…” Who did Jesus appear for? He appeared for YOU! Not just your pastor, your church friend, the person down the street, not just Billy Graham or Joseph Prince! He appeared for YOU! You are one of God’s favorite children. You are God’s prize, his poem, his symphony, the apple of His eye, the ring on His finger, and a primary reason He appeared on this earth for. You are His workmanship and God don’t make ‘no’ junk. He is absolutely crazy about you and He wants you to know that.

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Consider this reality for many people. You don’t know who you are until you know why you are. Why is that? Because you know who you are by knowing ‘Whose’ you are! You are not an accident. You were made by a God of purpose for a purpose. Miles Monroe says, the fact that you are here means that this generation needs something that only you contain. But, you have to believe it in order to receive it. Why? You become what you believe.

God loves you and He approved this message. I hope that this little book proves that to you. The 27 verbal snapshots in this book are designed to help you get an ‘Aha’ of the fact that you are richly loved, deeply loved and highly favored. God has a picture of you in His wallet. He is a proud Papa! Of whom you ask? You, of course! When the Lord made you, He looked at you and said, “I’ll never do that again.”

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