People Who Overcome


As a pastor, I’ve watched and equipped people who overcome. There is something special about people who overcome. They are contagious. You want to be around them. They look differently, think differently and act differently. Even in great adversity, they are not overcome but overcome. They realize, as Pastor John Ortberg says, that crisis is a temporary opportunity for a permanent gift. When things go wrong, they don’t go with them. They realize that a problem is a chance for them to do their best. By perseverance, the snail reached the ark.

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This book is for those of you who need an encouraging word, an outlook or a perspective that gives you hope. Hope is the expectation of future good. It takes hope to have faith. Faith is the evidence of things hoped for. This book comes out of my life’s struggles, conflicts, ups and downs of life, the successes as well as failures, and the battles that are still in progress as I write this book. Yet, even in the midst of these battles, I know that overcoming is determined by my choice and God’s power. I will, by my life’s choices, prove that the Word of God is true.

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