When Something Supernatural Happens

Last spring, something happened to me that propelled me to a higher way of living. The incident created a highway to a higher way. Interested?

I was ministering at Destiny Center International in Phoenix, Arizona. After the church service, one of the church leaders walked up to me. He looked me directly in the eyes and asked me a question loudly, “What do you need?”

Having recalled the day before when I was made aware by several board members of our ministry that our website wasn’t very inspiring, I blurted out, “I need a new website!” The leader gazed at me and said, “I’ll give you $3000.00 for the new website because you said you need it. God supplies our needs, not our wants. Now, get started on the website.” I found Nemo! Knowing the higher way is more valuable than the $3000.00.

Did you know there is a sure way to know when something good, even supernatural, is about to happen? Read on.

The highway to a higher way I’m addressing today is about asking God for certain things to happen or not happen. Everyone, whether a Christian or a non-Christian, has asked God for something at one point in their life. “God, please let my team win.” “God, let my political candidate win.” “God, help me pass my exam.” One thing is for sure, if there are final exams, there will be prayer.

How about this plea asking, “God, please give me the promotion, new house, or the new car.” Or other more serious prayers, ‘George Bailey’ prayers like, “Lord, please don’t let me die. I want to live.” In tough times, God’s cell phone gets busy with texts and calls. Nothing improves our prayer life like a crisis.

There’s nothing wrong with asking God to answer a prayer. God’s word encourages us to ask God to meet our needs, not our greed.

Jesus said, “Don’t bargain with God. Be direct. Ask for what you need. This isn’t a cat-and-mouse, hide-and-seek game we’re in. If your child asks for bread, do you trick him with sawdust? Do you scare him with a live snake on his plate if he asks for fish? As bad as you are, you wouldn’t think of such a thing. You’re at least decent to your own children. So, don’t you think the God who conceived you in love will be even better? Matthew 7:7-11.

So, asking God is okay. But did you know there is something better than asking God for something? It’s when Jesus asks us for something. Then something supernatural happens.

My friend, Wilson Ng, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, sums this idea up this way. “As you traverse through the Gospels, you will find that whenever Jesus asks for us to do something, something supernatural takes place. Something important happens, and something divine is unleashed.”

Think of the times in the Scriptures when Jesus asked people for something, and they provided what he asked. After speaking to 5,000 people, the people became hungry. Jesus asked if anyone had some food in the audience. Someone gave him a few fish and a few loaves of bread. Jesus multiplied the fish and loaves to feed the 5,000 and then, on another occasion, to feed 4,000. That’s supernatural. After listening to Jesus, they received a fish and chips dinner. On another occasion, Jesus attended a wedding in Cana. The hosts were running out of wine. When Jesus asked for earthen vessels filled with water, he turned water into wine. Something supernatural happened because someone provided for what Jesus asked.

On another occasion, Jesus asked his disciples to ask the owner of a donkey and the donkey’s colt if Jesus could borrow the pair of donkeys to ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. We still celebrate the results of Jesus’ triumphal entrance into Jerusalem.

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, purity came with him; he cleansed the temple of moneychangers. After the moneychangers dispersed, God’s house became a house of prayer. After purity and prayer, the power came as Jesus healed the blind and the lame. And, after purity, prayer, and power came, the children began to praise God, saying, “Hosanna” (God save us). Purity, prayer, power, and praise – that’s supernatural. Why did this happen? Rather than asking Jesus for something, someone responded when Jesus asked for something.

Here’s your takeaway to a higher way. It’s one thing to ask God for something. That’s good. It’s another thing when God asks you to do something. That’s great. Why? Because something supernatural and God-sized happens.

Remember the opening of this article with the church leader? Like Jesus, he asked me a question. I provided what he asked. Then, something supernatural happened.

How will you know God asked you to do something? Here’s what Scripture says, “Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.” Philippians 4:8-9.

Above all, listen for Jesus knocking at the door of your mind and heart, asking if he can come in, then open the door and let him in, and something supernatural happens. You start harmonizing with God. Revelation 3:20.


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