Three Vampires That Suck Humans Dry

That’s quite a title, isn’t it? But addressing three vampires that cause people to underachieve is an excellent subject to consider with all the challenges people encounter today. Maybe this article will shift someone thinking, “Why me?” to thinking positively, “What’s next?” And perhaps this article will elevate someone from being a ‘Wanna-be’ to a ‘Gonna-be’ to an ‘Is-a-be.’  

What are the three vampires that suck humans dry? The first vampire is past guilt. The second vampire is present boredom. The third vampire is future anxiety. Humans tend to be vulnerable to one, two, or all three of these vampires. These vampires are looking for who they may devour all the time. These three vampires are the three biggest challenges of humankind. Think about this. Challenges make life interesting, and overcoming them makes life meaningful. Stephen Covey says, “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”

Let’s consider the vampire of past guilt. Many of us are intimately acquainted with this vampire. It’s the “if only” wish dream. We wish, “If only this or that would or wouldn’t have happened.” "If only I didn't buy that big house on a line of credit." "If only I didn't get into this or that relationship." "If only I didn't say those hurtful words." "If only I would have spent more time with my family." "If only I had cared for my body better or gone to the doctor sooner." We become daydream believers and pretend what life could have been without our mistakes or missteps.

Here are some mental prescriptions and vampire antidotes in dealing with sorrow that causes us to look backward. Remember, looking into the rear-view mirror of our life causes us to ignore the present and collide violently with our future. In other words, when you take past guilt into your present life, it affects your future. So don't look back. You’re not going that way. Sometimes your worst enemy is your memory. Let it go.  

A unique aspect of past guilt is that to go forward, we must give up all hope that the past will change. The past doesn't change, but we can. Admit it, learn from the mistake, ask forgiveness of God and others involved, and get going again. That takes courage and faith. God has forgiven you. Now, forgive yourself. It's hard, but it’s possible. The longer we play the victim, the more of our emotional blood the vampires consume, impeding our recovery. The past is called the past because it's passed.

Now, let’s consider present boredom. Consider this example. David, the king in the Bible, should have been at work, but he was at home. He was very bored. He looked down from his tower and saw a lady named Bathsheba taking a bath. David's boredom resulted in him committing adultery with Bathsheba, having her husband killed, and seeing their child die in childbirth. His present boredom turned into past guilt soon afterward. What caused this? He didn't manage his boredom. His boredom managed him.

Boredom is a giant vampire today, and it's not your friend. People today are over-stimulated and get bored easily and quickly. Most have the attention span of a turnip. The problem with over-stimulation is that it picks up momentum as it goes along. So, people start looking for more extreme ways to stimulate, entertain, or occupy themselves. Many times, entertainment, cell phones, computers, and video games become addictive and then destructive. Tame small dragons turn into big, wild beasts. The consequences can hurt us.

Are you bored? Find a purpose, volunteer, attend church, get a new career or job, or find something or someone that takes you up, not down. But, most of all, find mental and emotional peace. It’s not the technology that is the problem. It’s the way we choose to use technology that's the problem.

Lastly, consider the vampire of future anxiety. The future can be scary. Many are very concerned about the future of America and their future. Think of it, our concern about the future often determines our future. We become self-fulfilling prophecies. It’s OK to be concerned and aware, just don’t be overcome by fear.

According to Author/Pastor Warren Wiersbe, 92% of what we worry about never happens. The Hopi Indians have a great T-shirt. The writing on the T-shirt says, Don’t Worry, Be Hopi. Fear is interest paid on a debt you may not owe. Please don’t feel I’m being insensitive to those who live in fear, it’s hard to slay the vampire of fear, but it’s not impossible, especially with Christ as your source of power.

So how do we overcome the three vampires of past guilt, present boredom, and future anxiety? A lack of spiritual, mental, and emotional peace causes all these. I advise seeking the God of peace and the Prince of Peace. The Bible says that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8). Freedom from our past guilt yesterday, our present boredom today, and our future anxiety forever start with releasing ourselves from ourselves and our vampires and attaching ourselves to God by faith.

Just think. One day you will tell your story of overcoming what you went through, and it will be someone else's survival guide. May God repackage you and introduce you to those who wrote you off.  

Ed Delph/April 10, 2023/CCC. 


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