The Book You ‘Gotta’ Read

Lately, I've been getting a lot of 'thank you' and 'that article you wrote was just for me' emails from you, my readers. That's what it's all about for me. I don't write these articles for me; I write them for you. I call this article series, Equipping People for Life. 

Since I was born in Phoenix, these articles are a way I give back to the community, which includes you. Come to think of it, my father, who is 99 years old, was born in Phoenix. My son was born in Phoenix, and so was my grandson. They all have the first name of Edwin. Plus, my first cousin once removed name is Ed Delph, too! That's five Ed Delphs’ running around in Phoenix. We believe in the prayer, “Give us this day, our daily Ed.” We have discovered if two Ed’s are better than one, five Ed’s from the same family line must be remarkable. I call us ‘Co-Eds.’ Sorry about that.

I am the author of ten books, which they tell me is quite a feat. Heaps of people would like to write a book, especially about their journey in life, but never do. I call that an ‘Ought-to biography.’ I teach a class at Primus University in Glendale, Arizona, entitled "How to Write Your First Book so It Won't Be Your Last Book." My course does not address the usual thinking about writing books. You can get that information anywhere. What I address in the class are the things new authors don't think about or know about, gleaned from my experience and others' experience, about the art and heart of what I call ‘writing to communicate.’ Communication is connecting the message with the audience with clarity and understanding.

But of all the books ever written, there is one book that its author designs for one purpose: To equip people for life here on earth. I know what you’re thinking; he will talk about the Bible. No, not exactly, but the book I’m referring to is in the Bible. It's the Book of Proverbs. And, if you are wise enough to read Proverbs, glean the wisdom contained in Proverbs, and apply what you learn, Proverbs will equip you to live well and live in robust sanity. We probably could use some robust sanity in today's robust insanity and confusion.

In the Message Bible, Eugene Peterson writes the following in his introduction to the book of Proverbs. I’m quoting it because I couldn’t write this as well as he does.

“Many people think that what’s written in the Bible has mostly to do with getting people into heaven – getting right with God, saving their eternal souls. It does have to do with that, of course, but not mostly. It is equally concerned with living on this earth – living well, living in robust sanity. In Proverbs, heaven is not the primary concern, to which earth is a tag-along afterthought. "On earth, as it is in heaven" is Jesus' prayer.”

There you go. A book in the Bible that has to do with everyday life, custom designed with wisdom for living well by living in robust sanity. An instruction manual describing how to negotiate and navigate the sometimes-smooth, sometimes-stormy times of life. Both seasons can produce great blessings if we, the people, have the wisdom to handle them. Eugene Peterson goes on to say the following in his introduction of Proverbs.

“Wisdom is the biblical term for this on-earth-as-it-is-heaven everyday living. Wisdom is the art of living skillfully in whatever actual conditions we find ourselves in. It has virtually nothing to do with information as such, with knowledge as such. A college degree is no certification of wisdom – nor is it concerned with keeping us out of moral mud puddles, although it has a profound moral effect upon us.

Wisdom has to do with becoming skillful in honoring our parents and raising our children, handling our money and conducting our sexual lives, going to work and exercising leadership, using words well and treating friends kindly, eating and drinking healthily, cultivating emotions within ourselves and attitudes toward others that make for peace. Threaded through all these items is the insistence that how we think of and respond to God is the most practical thing we do.”

In other words, in matters of practical living, Proverbs should be the first place we should consult for wise counsel. The book of Proverbs takes all the thousands of verses in the Scriptures and distills them into a practical and applicable ‘guide by your side’ for everyday living. All God is trying to do is put us in a position to live well and live in robust sanity, knowing the best way to react to the unpredictable nature of life. God knew we would need that. Why? At some point, without good direction, people lose their way. Countries do too.

You see, Proverbs is not a book for just for Christians. It’s for everyone. Whether you believe in God or not, you ‘gotta’ read this book. Read the Message Bible Version of Proverbs. It is written in contemporary English everyone can understand. Here's a free internet address where you can find it.

So, take it from an author of ten books who knows a good book when he sees it. Proverbs is a ‘must-read.’ Your robust sanity depends on it. I changed the phrase ‘gotta’ read’ to ‘must read’ to make all of you English majors out there happy. Your robust sanity depends on it.

Ed Delph/August 28, 2023/CCC



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